Open Wound | Museum for Human Rights in Israel

Absurd | Eyal Ivri

The challenge of this project is to understand how Architecture as the language of space grants or violates human rights^pic-1. This issue of human rights violation by architecture is a reoccurring phenomenon in the Israeli reality.

The project tries to identify the border that exists between human rights and the reality that violates these rights constantly. In the border between the rights and their elimination lies the absurd, without any explanation, intention or physical expression.
The absurd as an abstract concept receives various architectural expressions in the project. In an absurd happens the reversal from logic to nonsense.
I would like the project to be a ray of light which the prisoner is exposed to, as he escapes from the dark cave in Plato's Allegory to the surface. A disturbing ray of light which will remind the visitor the injustice done in his name and will force him to ask questions about the way he reacts to human rights violation^pic-2.
The building's program deals with thoughts and feelings instead of the typical program which deals with needs and utilizations. The visitor enters the building and through his progress in the space he is gradually stripped of his rights and repeatedly exposed to absurd spaces and exhibitions which will create and change his perception about human rights and their violation^pic-3.  

Architecture is a text: a window is a word and a door is another word, meaning that space has syntax. Space can be disassembled into components. Once you know the
components and their different meanings you can rearrange them in different ways, and so a building is a paragraph with different highlights.

In the project I'm trying to use the architectural vocabulary in a different way, in order to rewrite the space syntax^pic-4  in an attempt to express the idea that human rights are violated in different levels all over the world and with emphasis on the absurd in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict^pic-5. I'm doing that by using abstract architectural concepts in order to cause the visitor to wonder about his own basic existential needs^pic-6.
The project examines the term "border" in architecture, using the openings of the building and the relations between the spaces, erasing the obvious boundaries between them. This examination also includes creating intermediate states between visible and invisible in order to enable various and unpredictable points of view and reevaluation of  the space in attempt to confront the distress of others and to expropriate the visitors right to ignore the situation^pic-7.

Every person comprehends reality in a different way but for most people in the western world, human rights violation is an obscure subject ^pic-8. The purpose of this project is to light up this obscure area during the visit in the building. Through a different space experience the visitor will be exposed to different points of view of the surroundings^pic-9 and finally will reach the understanding that in his actions or lack of actions he creates the reality.

In simple words: stimulating spaces will make people ask questions.

Website of the project:
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